• Biu je (bil gee): “standard compass” or “striking fingers,” the third Ving Tsun form.

  • Bot jom doa (bat jam do, baat chum do): “eight-way chopping knives,” a Ving Tsun weapon form.

  • Chi gerk (chee gurk): the Ving Tsun two-person “sticking legs” drill.

  • Chi sao (chi sau, chee sow, seung chi sao): the Ving Tsun two-person “sticking hands” drill.

  • Chum Kiu: (chum kil): “short bridge” or “seeking the bridge,” the second Ving Tsun form.

  • Don chi sao (don chi sau, dan chee sow): the Ving Tsun two-person “one-arm sticking hands” drill.

  • Form:  a traditional exercise comprised of a specific series of movements.

  • Gerk jong (gurk jong): wooden stumps or poles used for moving and kicking exercises.

  • Jong:  see “muk yan jong” below or “gerk jong” above.

  • Kwan (kwun, quan):  the pole, a Ving Tsun weapon.

  • Lop sao (lop sow, lop sau): the Ving Tsun two-person “grab and punch” drill.

  • Luk dim poon kwan (luk dim boon kwun): “six and a half point pole,” a Ving Tsun weapon form.

  • Muk yan jong (mook yan jong, mui fah jong): the “wooden dummy” or “plum blossom dummy,” a Ving Tsun training device and the form played on that device.

  • Pak dar (pok dar): the Ving Tsun two-person “block and punch” drill.

  • Pak sao (pak sau, pok sow): the Ving Tsun two-person “slap block” drill.

  • Sao bao (sow bow, sau bow): the sand bag, a Ving Tsun training device used for striking.

  • Sidai: one’s younger kung fu brother, a junior student.

  • Sifu: one’s teacher and the master of a school.

  • Sigung:  one’s grandteacher.

  • Sihing: one’s older kung fu brother, a senior student.

  • Sitaigung:  one’s great grandteacher.

  • Siu nim tao (sil lim tao, see num tao, seel lum dao): “little beginning idea: the first Ving Tsun form which contains the basic vocabulary of the system.

  • Todai:  a sifu’s student(s).

  • Tsui ma (toy ma, toi mah):  the Ving Tsun two-person “moving the horse” drill.

  • Ye chi kim yeung ma (yee chee kim yung mah): the Ving Tsun training horse stance.